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Privacy at T2 Intelligence


Organizations and individuals trust us to collect, verify, and protect millions of people’s background and identity information. We need to earn and keep that trust for our business to work. 


This privacy page will help us to continue our work and commitment by informing you of what we do with personal information or personally identifiable information (PII), which is any information that can identify you. 

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Privacy Policy


T2 Intelligence Privacy Policy

Revised: 14 October 2022


T2 Intelligence is concerned about the protection of personal information. It is our policy to maintain confidentiality and privacy of personal data submitted to T2 Intelligence in writing or while visiting websites owned by T2 Intelligence. This may include information about clients, vendors, business prospects, employees, job applicants, and consumers.


ISO 27001

T2 Intelligence is committed to comply with information security management system through the implementation of ISO 270001: 2013. As of 15 September 2022, our management and the T2 Intelligence team has signed a commitment to realize the implementation of the ISO standard in alignment with protecting confidential information. Through this new commitment, we have standardized on how we collect, verify, and protect confidential information. In handling confidential information, T2 Intelligence is complying to fulfill the principles of information security management system by protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. 


Information Collection

T2 Intelligence will only collect personal information or personally identifiable information (PII) that is needed to fulfill its business purpose effectively. Collected information may include employment information, identification/passport information, civil and criminal records, local language media information, directorship information, address information, education and credential information, and other background information as requested by T2 Intelligence or its' clients. T2 Intelligence will collect personal information if consent has been provided and the information is reasonably necessary for T2 Intelligence's functions or activities. T2 Intelligence gathers information about its visitors primarily to provide, improve, protect, and promote its Services. By collecting the information, T2 Intellgience is able to make more accurate product recommendations and send email notices or reminders. T2 Intelligence is dedicated to providing the best possible browsing experience and gathering this information helps make that possible.


Use & Disclosure of Consumer Information
T2 Intelligence will only use or disclose personal information for the purpose(s) originally explained when the information was collected and for any related purpose that would reasonably be expected by both the individual concerned and T2 Intelligence.

If individual's personal information is provided in the scope of a background screen ordered by T2 Intelligence’s client, T2 Intelligence may use the respective personal information to perform background checks screening for that client. T2 Intelligence may also disclose personal information to third parties in connection with the business transaction and purpose for which it was collected. Third-party disclosure of the personal information may include the requesting client company, affiliate companies, third party agents, in-country sources, educational institutions, previous employers, courts, law enforcement agencies, and other persons, businesses, or government agencies as necessary for T2 Intelligence to complete a business transaction. T2 Intelligence may also disclose personal information if it is required, authorized by law, permitted by local law and regulation, or whenever disclosure is necessary to prevent life, health, or safety threatening situation.


Contractual Relationship Information

T2 Intelligence may use personal information of business prospects, clients, and vendors in order to establish, execute and terminate a contract. Business prospects can be contacted during the contract preparation process using the information that they have provided.  Personal data can be processed to prepare bids or to fulfill other requests of the prospect that relate to the contract conclusion.  This includes notices and advisory services for the client under the contract if this is related to the contractual purpose. To ensure that subject information is safeguarded, personal information may be used to complete due diligence checks to ensure that subject data is only provided to third parties that have been appropriately verified and credentialed.​


Advertising Information

T2 Intelligence does not sell mailing lists or exchange services in return for the use of personal information.  Clients, vendors, and business prospects may receive periodic mailings or emails from T2 Intelligence with information on new services and changes in service.  To opt-out, contact T2 Intelligence in writing or by email or you can opt-out on the email advertisements. T2 Intelligence does not sell or advertise any kind of personal information that is collected.


Employee and Applicant Information

T2 Intelligence may collect information from employees and job applicants to perform its human resource functions.  Individuals will be informed of the purposes for which T2 Intelligence collects and uses personal information.  T2 Intelligence will provide the Individual with the choice and means, if any, for limiting the use and disclosure of their personal information when required. Disclosures or notices will be provided in clear and conspicuous language when individuals are first asked to provide personal information to T2 Intelligence, or as soon as practicable thereafter, and in any event, before T2 Intelligence uses or discloses the information for a purpose other than for which it was originally intended.


Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information & Legal Requirements

Cross-border transfers may be made under a variety of legal mechanisms including contracts, consent, and regulatory authority frameworks. Personal information submitted to T2 Intelligence may, from time to time, be transferred outside of the Republic of Indonesia in order to liaise with verification sources. Cross-border transfers may be made under a variety of legal mechanisms including contracts, consent, and regulatory authority frameworks. T2 Intelligence will not transfer personal information overseas without the consent of the individual. Personal information submitted to T2 Intelligence may be stored in Indonesia, but also may be transferred to third parties in other countries.  Third-party vendors may store personal information in other countries.  Therefore, the personal information may be subject to Indonesia or other laws for disclosure and may be accessible to foreign law enforcement, national security agencies, or courts.  Personal information may be disclosed in response to legal requirements.


Access, Accuracy, & Correction 

T2 Intelligence will allow individuals to have access to their personal information. T2 Intelligence will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information it uses is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. If an individual advises T2 Intelligence that his/her personal information collected or held by T2 Intelligence is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, or not up to date, he/she may request for correction and T2 Intelligence will take reasonable steps to update the information accordingly and only use the most updated information.


T2 Intelligence's Websites
Accessing, reading, or downloading contents from T2 Intelligence’s websites will not identify website visitors personally. T2 Intelligence's web servers will automatically collect information such as the web browser used and the T2 Intelligence's web pages being accessed, the domain names or IP address from which the site is accessed, the date and time of access on each page in the website, or the URL of and webpage from which the website is accessed. T2 Intelligence uses these information to analyze the use of and to improve the content within its website. Please be aware that T2 Intelligence's websites may provide links to third-party websites, which are outside of T2 Intelligence control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. 


Policy Information
This Privacy Policy covers T2 Intelligence's websites and the general practice on how T2 Intelligence handles personal information provided over the Internet by the general public using T2 Intelligence's publicly available website. This Policy also covers personal information provided by T2 Intelligence's clients, and their job applicants (candidates), employees, or other individuals who have given their written consent to T2 Intelligence's clients to conduct a background investigation on them, using T2 Intelligence online screening solution (T2 Portal).

T2 Intelligence may amend this privacy policy from time to time.  Any changes that are made to the existing privacy policy will be posted at this location.


Contact Information

For additional information contact:

PT Solusi Integritas Pratama (T2 Intelligence)
Jl. Bukit Gading Raya N9
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara

DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
Phone: +62 21 458-524-08


Cookie Policy


Cookie Policy

Revised: 15 November 2020


T2 Intelligence uses a standard technology called a cookie. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer by T2 Intelligence's websites, so that the same website can recognize web visitors as they move around the website and when you come back in the future. T2 Intelligence uses cookies to allow you to move quickly through the site. This is accomplished in many ways using several different cookies.


How T2 Intelligence's Website Uses Cookies

Strictly Necessary Cookies:

These cookies are used to operate the website and services and to enable the services you have specifically requested. The cookies are stored in temporary memory only while a user is visiting the website and they are deleted from memory when the user closes the browser. These essential cookies usually contain information that identifies a session. Categories of data collected for these purposes include authentication data, unique ID, browser information, and language settings. Without the cookie, a session could not exist. The net result would be that a user would have to re-enter their username and password on every page. These cookies are set to expire after times ranging from 30 days to 4 years.


Third-Party Cookies:

These cookies are used for analytics that helps us and our partners understand how our website are engaged with, such as usage statistics, in order to improve and customize our services. Categories of data collected for these purposes include website usage data, number of visits, browser and/or device information, and a unique ID. These cookies are set to expire after times ranging from sessions (20 minutes) to 2 years. The third-party provider used includes Google. T2 Intelligence uses Google Analytics to give insights into how users interact with the website. To obtain these insights, Google Analytics uses a number of cookies. The information collected is anonymous and statistical. Google Analytics Privacy Policy


Policy Changes
The T2 Intelligence may amend this Policy from time to time.  Any changes that are made to the existing privacy policy will be posted on this website.



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Data Security Policy


Data Security Policy

Revised: 15 November 2020


T2 Intelligence recognized the importance of protecting information from any loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. To help safeguard the information we obtain and process on our website, T2 Intelligence utilizes a combination of online and offline security technologies, procedures, and processes.


Data Security

T2 Intelligence is committed to protecting the personal information that we receive against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. All personal information collected and stored by T2 Intelligence is protected by security technologies as well as internal security measures. All databases are protected by secure network links, which are complemented by firewalls, password protection, and virus protection. All our staff is rigorously screened and subject to strict confidentiality undertakings. All our employees have taken security and privacy training. Our workers are only permitted to access personal information if they need it to do their work as requested by clients and consented to do so.


Retention, & Disposal

All personal information collected will have a retention period which affects the storage period within our system and database. T2 Intelligence will retain the data as long as the purpose for which it was collected remains or until it is no longer necessary for any other legal or business purposes.  After the retention period expires, T2 Intelligence will destroy the data using industry-standard tools or devices. Our retention period, in general, is as follow:

  • T2 Intelligence will keep the candidate's personal information from our clients for up to one year. Candidate belonging to financial institution clients will have their personal information stored for six months. As clients may have a different retention policy, the candidate is advised to always confirm with our client directly regarding the personal information retention period in a third party.

  • T2 Intelligence will keep clients' personal information for as long as they are using our services.

  • T2 Intelligence will keep workers' (our employees) personal information for as long as they work for us. Some information, excluding sensitive information, might be kept for up to ten years for human resource databases and records. T2 Intelligence may delete some things sooner if the information is no longer needed.


Physical Access and Logical Security
T2 Intelligence's systems are located in a secure facility with physical and access security measures. The facility and data storage is monitored and granted only to persons with a valid business need.
T2 Intelligence has rigorous physical security policies to prevent unauthorized physical access to our offices. Our servers and offices, including electronic storage and paper documents containing personal information, are kept in access-controlled and monitored environments. In addition to using SSL encryption, access to the services in T2 Intelligence websites, mainly T2 Portal, requires strong password authentication.


Policy Changes
The T2 Intelligence may amend this Policy from time to time.  Any changes that are made to the existing privacy policy will be posted on this website.



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Legal Policy


Legal Policy

Revised: 16 January 2019


By accessing and/or using the website, the website visitor or user acknowledges this disclaimer and agrees to be bound by the further terms and conditions set out below.



Any information T2 Intelligence may post on the pages of this website are purely informational and may not be construed as legal advice. To the fullest extent permissible by any applicable law T2 Intelligence, its employees, authorized agents, and affiliates disclaim the materials on the T2 Intelligence Website ("the website"), which provided "as is", and implied or expressed warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. This includes, but is not limited to, forms and posts discussing legal and legislative developments. T2 Intelligence advises that users consult experienced counsel to ensure compliant use of the content and reports in connection with its particular credit, due diligence, or screening program.


No Warranties

T2 Intelligence makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, functions, or timeliness of the information on this website Addittionally, T2 Intelligence makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or timeliness of any information on any third-party websites that are linked to this website. T2 Intelligence does not warrant that the functions or services provided on this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that this website are free of viruses or other malicious components, or that defects or error will be corrected.


T2 Intelligence assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the website.  Information on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  The information and descriptions contained herein are provided solely for general information purposes. T2 Intelligence may, from time to time, change or update the content of this website without notice. Web visitors are advised to make their own assessment of it and rely on it wholly at their own risk.


Limitation of Liability

While T2 Intelligence tries to keep the website updated, T2 Intelligence will not be liable to anyone if errors occur due to the information in the website or if the information is not up-to-date. Under no circumstances shall T2 Intelligence be liable to user or anyone else for any damages suffered by user, including any incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including but not limited to any lost of profits, or damages for business interruption, loss of information or data, that result from access to, use of, or inability to use this website or due to security breach associated with the transmission of information through the internet, even if T2 Intelligence was advised of the possibility of such damages.


Use of Materials Restrictions

This website is owned and operated by T2 Intelligence. Unless expressly permitted by T2 Intelligence, the content from this website may not be copied, modified, transmitted, reused, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted/reposted, or distributed in any way without a written permission from T2 Intelligence. The content of this website may be saved or downloaded for personal use, without T2 Intelligence's written permission, provided that all copyright and other pripetary notices including the text, image, audio, and video are retained. 



Policy Changes
The T2 Intelligence may amend this Policy from time to time.  Any changes that are made to the existing privacy policy will be posted on this website.



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