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Taj Mahal

Employment fraud, including the use of fake degrees and fabricated job histories, is a growing problem in many Asian countries. About 23% of all background checks in Asia reveal some form of discrepancy, with India showing a 40% discrepancy rate—one of the highest in the region.

2022 Asia-Pacific Employment Screening Trends Report

  • Is T2 Intelligence's KYE background checks service legal?
    Absolutely, T2 Intelligence ensures that we conduct our services in the public domain in compliance with local laws and adherence to the data privacy policy. In fact, we are ISO 27001: 2013 certified by the British Standard Institute to protect our customers' Personal Identifiable Information (PII).
  • How do KYE background checks work?
    It is quite simple. You may build custom packages, submit orders, provide all the necessary documents, and receive a comprehensive report. Let us handle all the hard work so your Human Resources can focus on their tasks.
  • Can I run a background check on someone without consent?
    As a general rule, you’ll want to get consent from a candidate before running a background check. Most of the time, it is illegal to conduct a background check without permission. However, depending on factors like the type of check, running a background check without consent may not be technically illegal. For example, when screening through public records. For the hiring purpose in any company, we highly recommend using a consent letter, unless a disclaimer has been stated in the job application form, to be used at all times when running background checks through T2 Intelligence.
  • What is KYE Background Checks services?
    It is a comprehensive verification process to ensure that an individual's claims, data, information, or credentials are accurate and authentic.
  • Can T2 Intelligence conduct service for personal/individual cases?
    Yes, T2 Intelligence caters its service not just to multinational companies but also to any individuals that need our help. In most cases, we assist an individual in an investigation or tracing services to solve private matters.
  • Is background check services expensive?
    Not necessarily. T2 Intelligence’s pricing policy is relatively simple: “You pay what you need and use”. In fact, our pricing is rather flexible. There are no hidden fees, and additional charges are billed upon necessities. With competitive pricing, we offer background check services that are affordable and reliable. Feel free to reach us for a quote through this contact form below.
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